Blue Heart
​When you become a Blue Heart member, your membership will fund local grassroots movement-building organizations in either of our chapters:
BAY AREA (California)
Blue Heart has been committed to assisting tenacious Bay Area-based grassroots organizations that are at the vanguard of establishing movements for justice, equity, and dignified living in low-income and marginalized communities across the Bay. Despite their significant contributions to Bay Area neighborhoods, traditional philanthropy generally overlooks these grassroots organizations.
Given the proximity to Silicon Valley’s diverse and wealthy communities, we believe that their support for these organizations and communities can strengthen pipelines of resources and support in face of gentrification and other injustices that contribute to these imbalances. By supporting local organizations, we empower Silicon Valley to see the communities it touches.
SALISH SEA (Washington)
The first official chapter of Blue Heart originated in the Bay Area in 2016.
In 2020, after researching several different locations for potential second chapters, we decided on the Salish Sea because of two main reasons: the abundance of resources available due to the large number of tech companies based in Seattle, and the ease of connecting with local grassroots movement-building organizations, thanks to the deep relationships that our Bay Area partners have up the West Coast.
Why "Salish Sea"? The Salish Sea is the defining body of water that stretches from Olympia, WA to British Columbia, Canada. We chose to name this new chapter of Blue Heart after this body of water to identify the bioregion with a name that pays tribute to the Coast Salish peoples who are indigenous to this area.
Exposure to under-the-radar, grassroots organizations who are building bottom-up solutions to critical social and environmental challenges
Access a behind-the-scenes interview with every organization you fund
Monthly action opportunities and hand-picked learning resources for you to engage more deeply
Invitations to events & dialogues with other Blue Heart members and partner organizations
Annual end-of-year giving guide to help you give more strategically
All members at the $150/month level or higher get 60 min/year of personalized coaching on your philanthropic & civic engagement strategy from a member of the Blue Heart team.
Receive beautiful art prints in the mail every year
80% of your membership funds go directly to our partner organizations.
10% goes into the Blue Heart Creator’s Fund.
10% goes to cover our basic operational costs.
All memberships are 100% tax deductible
No commitment- you can cancel at any time
Blue Heart is under the sponsorship of Social Good Fund, a 501(c)3 organization. Our EIN is 46-1323531
We accept money from individual donors, employment matching funds,
and Donor Advised Funds.
Questions? Email us at blueheartaction@gmail.com
Not ready to become a member, but like what we are doing?
You can support us by making a direct donation!